Writing when you don't want to is what separates the women from the girls, the men from the boys -- just had to do that. Always wanted to make it women but I love men too so I wanted it equal opportunity. Speaking of equality, women and men can be equally lazy. Lazy, avoidy, etc. And with writing, that doesn't work so well. The whole point is consistency.
It's REALLY annoying that to be a writer you have to write. I mean my God, how messed up is that? But yeah, that's what it takes. So what I'm saying is you kind of gotta do your job. Doesn't matter if you feel sick, doesn't matter if you feel tired, doesn't matter if you think you're out of ideas, doesn't matter if you have friends in town or are away. Gotta keep at it. Because that way you: •Stay connected to your idea •Allow your brain to think of your idea when you're not writing •Have integrity and don't just pay lip service to your craft/profession when you tell yourself and others you're a writer and... you... get to... •FINISH! So remember, you don't have to write for one billion hours at a time. You don't even have to write for 5 hours at a time. But you do have to consider if you're not writing every day or on most days, think about what's in your way? While I'm a big believer in a daydreamy kind of break where you let art, culture and the world envelope you in terms of nourishment, a break is not a month. Writers write. That's your mantra, daughter. Son. Did it again, couldn't help myself. And if you're not going to write today after reading this then immediately go out, support your local bookstore and buy: The War of Art. -CGD
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. - Pablo Picasso
When we're creating, when we stop trying to impress, when we relax and let our minds wander, we can bring forth our real voice and great work. Funny how I believe a little discipline actually leads to this state of relaxation that can illicit your true, inner voice. So while the end goal is truth - which we all know children are our truth-tellers - how to get there often takes showing up on a consistent basis so we have a solid foundation of good writing habits from which our ideas can emerge. Just my two cents. Write like the wind! Every day. -CGD |
CynthiaWriter, Writing Coach, Writer Supporter. Archives
June 2019